Elina Katara | Glory and Burden of Possessions | 2007 | exhibition overview, Galleria Huuto Uudenmaankatu, Helsinki, FinlandElina Katara | Archive | 2007 | Archive locker bought from a second hand shop, pencil and red ink on paper. The Archive consists of drawings of different kinds of collections. For example, there are drawings of wine bottle corks and of sea shells and stones from long since forgotten places.Elina Katara | Archive (detail)| 2007 | Archive locker bought from a second hand shop, pencil and red ink on paperElina Katara | Sunlight series | 2007 | pencil on paperElina Katara | Chandelier | 2007 | pencil on paper, mixed media, light bulbElina Katara | Chandelier | 2007 | pencil on paper, mixed media, light bulbElina Katara | Portrait of the Beloved | 2007 | pencil on paperElina Katara | Self portrait | 2007 | charcoal on paper